(new member info below)

1. Current membership name tags must be worn in all classes.

2. All dogs must be currently fully vaccinated if they are taking part in our classes or in their vicinity.

3. Puppies should not be brought onto our grounds
if they are under the age of 12 weeks.

4. Dogs must be kept on a short lead at all times, except when they are in grade 3 or above and requested by the Trainer to
remove the lead  during  a specific section of a lesson.

5. Bitches in season are not permitted to enter
classes or come onto the club grounds.

6. It is the owner’s responsibility to keep his/her dog under control at all times and not allow their dog to interfere with any other person/dog.

7. Dogs are not permitted in the clubrooms.

8. If your dog fouls the grounds, plastic bags are provided to clean up the droppings. This is the owner’s responsibility. The used plastic bags are to be placed in the blue lid bin.

9. Please do not allow your dog to urinate on the building walls or the verandah posts. If this should occur, please flush with clean water.

10. If you should see a dog tied up to a
post or pegged, please keep away from it.

11. Playing or running your dog after class. If your class is finished, please consider other classes or grades that are still in progress. Walk your dog on leash away from the club grounds.

12. Dogs should not be given to children to run around with. There is no way a child could control or hold a larger dog should a situation occur. Your dog may be trained and reliable; however, other dogs may not be as secure.

13. The club’s minimum age for handlers to
train dogs is 12 years of age.

14. If the estimated maximum for Victor Harbor is 34°C or higher for our training night, then training is cancelled. If a significant cool change spreads across our area before 5pm on our training evening, which lowers the temperature well below 34 C, training will be available.

15. Current vaccination certificates must be shown
at the time of renewing membership.

16. Appropriate footwear should be worn while training
your dog. Thongs  must not be worn.

17. Also please avoid wearing flapping clothing.

18. In the interest of the health of our members smoking is prohibited while handling your dog in class and also within 20 metres of the club  room.

19. We do not accept the kicking or hitting of dogs.

New Member Info

You need to attend at 6pm on the first night to
allow time for the joining process
(Also, please note that dogs are not permitted inside the clubrooms)

Please introduce yourself to the Club Officials on your arrival – Entry to clubrooms through the front door – adjacent to the training area.

*IMPORTANT – Please note that we need to sight the current vaccination documents
and any concession card(s), at the time of joining.

** A club official will process your application on your first attendance.
You will need to pay the required fees before joining a class.